Source code for falcon_auth2.getter

from abc import ABCMeta
from abc import abstractmethod
from typing import Iterable
from typing import Optional
from typing import Tuple

from falcon import Request

from .exc import BackendNotApplicable
from .utils import await_
from .utils import greenlet_spawn

    from falcon.asgi import Request as AsyncRequest
except ImportError:  # pragma: no cover
    AsyncRequest = type(None)

[docs]class Getter(metaclass=ABCMeta): """Represents a class that extracts authentication information from a request. Note: Subclasses that wish to only support the :meth:`.load_async` method are also required to override the :meth:`.load` method since it is defined as abstract. In these cases the sync version may just raise an exception. """ async_calls_sync_load = None """Indicates if this Getter has an async load implementation that is not just a fallback to sync :meth:`.load` method, like the default :meth:`.load_async` method. This property is automatically set by the :class:`Getter` when a subclass is defined (using ``__init_subclass__``) if not specified directly by a subclass (by setting it to a valued different than ``None``). """ def __init_subclass__(cls): # Use dict instead of accessing it directly to properly control nested subclasses if cls.__dict__.get("async_calls_sync_load") is None: cls.async_calls_sync_load = cls.load_async == Getter.load_async
[docs] @abstractmethod def load(self, req: Request, *, challenges: Optional[Iterable[str]] = None) -> str: """Loads the specified attribute from the provided request. If a getter cannot be used with the current request, a :class:`~.BackendNotApplicable` is raised. The ``challenges``, when provided, will be added to ``WWW-Authenticate`` header in case of error. Args: req (Request): The current request. This may be a wsgi or an asgi falcon request. Keyword Args: challenges (Optional[Iterable[str]], optional): One or more authentication challenges to use as the value of the ``WWW-Authenticate`` header in case of errors. Returns: str: The loaded data, in case of success. """
[docs] async def load_async(self, req: Request, *, challenges: Optional[Iterable[str]] = None) -> str: """Async version of :meth:`.load`. The default implementation simply calls :meth:`.load`, but subclasses may override this implementation to provide an async version. """ return self.load(req, challenges=challenges)
[docs]class HeaderGetter(Getter): """Returns the specified header from a request. Args: header_key (str): the name of the header to load. """ def __init__(self, header_key: str): self.header_key = header_key
[docs] def load(self, req: Request, *, challenges: Optional[Iterable[str]] = None) -> str: """Loads the header from the provided request""" header_value = req.get_header(self.header_key) if not header_value: raise BackendNotApplicable( description=f"Missing {self.header_key} header", challenges=challenges ) return header_value
[docs]class AuthHeaderGetter(HeaderGetter): """Returns the auth header from a request, checking that it in the form ``<auth_header_type> value``. Args: auth_header_type (str): The type of the auth header. Common values are ``"Basic"``, ``"Bearer"``. Keyword Args: header_key (str, optional): The name of the header to load. Defaults to ``"Authorization"``. """ def __init__(self, auth_header_type: str, *, header_key: str = "Authorization"): super().__init__(header_key) self.auth_header_type = auth_header_type.casefold()
[docs] def load(self, req: Request, *, challenges: Optional[Iterable[str]] = None) -> str: """Loads the auth header from the provided request""" prefix, _, value = super().load(req, challenges=challenges).partition(" ") if prefix.casefold() != self.auth_header_type: raise BackendNotApplicable( description=f"Invalid {self.header_key} header: Must " f"start with {self.auth_header_type.title()}", challenges=challenges, ) if not value: raise BackendNotApplicable( description="Invalid Authorization header: Value Missing", challenges=challenges ) if " " in value: raise BackendNotApplicable( description="Invalid Authorization header: Contains extra content", challenges=challenges, ) return value
[docs]class ParamGetter(Getter): """Returns the specified parameter from the request. If the parameter appears multiple times an error will be raised. Note: When the falcon ``Request`` option ``RequestOptions.auto_parse_form_urlencoded`` is set to ``True``, this getter can also retrieve parameter in the body of a ``form-urlencoded`` request. Args: param_name (str): the name of the param to load. """ def __init__(self, param_name: str): self.param_name = param_name
[docs] def load(self, req: Request, *, challenges: Optional[Iterable[str]] = None) -> str: """Loads the parameter from the provided request""" param_value = req.get_param_as_list(self.param_name) if not param_value: raise BackendNotApplicable( description=f"Missing {self.param_name} parameter", challenges=challenges ) if len(param_value) > 1: raise BackendNotApplicable( description=f"Invalid {self.param_name} parameter: Multiple value passed", challenges=challenges, ) return param_value[0]
[docs]class CookieGetter(Getter): """Returns the specified cookie from the request. If the cookie appears multiple times an error will be raised. Args: cookie_name (str): the name of the cookie to load. """ def __init__(self, cookie_name: str): self.cookie_name = cookie_name
[docs] def load(self, req: Request, *, challenges: Optional[Iterable[str]] = None) -> str: """Loads the cookie from the provided request""" cookie_value = req.get_cookie_values(self.cookie_name) if not cookie_value: raise BackendNotApplicable( description=f"Missing {self.cookie_name} cookie", challenges=challenges ) if len(cookie_value) > 1: raise BackendNotApplicable( description=f"Invalid {self.cookie_name} cookie: Multiple value passed", challenges=challenges, ) return cookie_value[0]
[docs]class MultiGetter(Getter): """Combines multiple getters. This is useful if a value can be passed in multiple ways to the server, like using an header or a query parameter. Will use the first value successfully returned, ignoring all :class:`~.BackendNotApplicable` exceptions raised by the previously tried getters. If no getter can return a valid value an exception will only be raised. Args: getters (Iterable[Getter]): The getters to use. They will be tried in order and the first value successfully returned is used. """ async_calls_sync_load = True def __init__(self, getters: Iterable[Getter]): self.getters: Tuple[Getter] = tuple(getters) if len(self.getters) < 2: raise ValueError("Must pass more than one getter") if any(not isinstance(g, Getter) for g in self.getters): raise TypeError("All getter must inherit from Getter")
[docs] def load(self, req: Request, *, challenges: Optional[Iterable[str]] = None) -> str: """Loads the value from the provided request using the provided getters""" is_async = isinstance(req, AsyncRequest) for g in self.getters: try: if is_async and not g.async_calls_sync_load: return await_(g.load_async(req)) else: return g.load(req) except BackendNotApplicable: pass raise BackendNotApplicable( description="No authentication information found", challenges=challenges )
[docs] async def load_async(self, req: Request, *, challenges: Optional[Iterable[str]] = None) -> str: """Async version of :meth:`.load`. Makes sure ``load`` is called inside a greenlet spawn context """ return await greenlet_spawn(self.load, req, challenges=challenges)