Source code for falcon_auth2.getter

from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod
from typing import Iterable, Optional

from falcon import Request

from .exc import BackendNotApplicable

[docs]class Getter(metaclass=ABCMeta): """Represents a class that extracts authentication information from a request."""
[docs] @abstractmethod def load(self, req: Request, *, challenges: Optional[Iterable[str]] = None) -> str: """Loads the specified attribute from the provided request. If a getter cannot be used with the current request, a :class:`~.BackendNotApplicable` is raised. The ``challenges``, when provided, will be added to ``WWW-Authenticate`` header in case of error. Args: req (Request): The current request. Keyword Args: challenges (Optional[Iterable[str]], optional): One or more authentication challenges to use as the value of the ``WWW-Authenticate`` header in case of errors. Returns: str: The loaded data, in case of success. """
[docs]class HeaderGetter(Getter): """Returns the specified header from a request. Args: header_key (str): the name of the header to load. """ def __init__(self, header_key: str): self.header_key = header_key
[docs] def load(self, req: Request, *, challenges: Optional[Iterable[str]] = None) -> str: """Loads the header from the provided request""" header_value = req.get_header(self.header_key) if not header_value: raise BackendNotApplicable( description=f"Missing {self.header_key} header", challenges=challenges ) return header_value
[docs]class AuthHeaderGetter(HeaderGetter): """Returns the auth header from a request, checking that it in the form ``<auth_header_type> value``. Args: auth_header_type (str): The type of the auth header. Common values are ``"Basic"``, ``"Bearer"``. Keyword Args: header_key (str, optional): The name of the header to load. Defaults to ``"Authorization"``. """ def __init__(self, auth_header_type: str, *, header_key: str = "Authorization"): super().__init__(header_key) self.auth_header_type = auth_header_type.casefold()
[docs] def load(self, req: Request, *, challenges: Optional[Iterable[str]] = None) -> str: """Loads the auth header from the provided request""" prefix, _, value = super().load(req, challenges=challenges).partition(" ") if prefix.casefold() != self.auth_header_type: raise BackendNotApplicable( description=f"Invalid {self.header_key} header: Must " f"start with {self.auth_header_type.title()}", challenges=challenges, ) if not value: raise BackendNotApplicable( description="Invalid Authorization header: Value Missing", challenges=challenges ) if " " in value: raise BackendNotApplicable( description="Invalid Authorization header: Contains extra content", challenges=challenges, ) return value
[docs]class ParamGetter(Getter): """Returns the specified parameter from the request. If the parameter appears multiple times an error will be raised. Note: When the falcon ``Request`` option ``RequestOptions.auto_parse_form_urlencoded`` is set to ``True``, this getter can also retrieve parameter in the body of a ``form-urlencoded`` request. Args: param_name (str): the name of the param to load. """ def __init__(self, param_name: str): self.param_name = param_name
[docs] def load(self, req: Request, *, challenges: Optional[Iterable[str]] = None) -> str: """Loads the parameter from the provided request""" param_value = req.get_param_as_list(self.param_name) if not param_value: raise BackendNotApplicable( description=f"Missing {self.param_name} parameter", challenges=challenges ) if len(param_value) > 1: raise BackendNotApplicable( description=f"Invalid {self.param_name} parameter: Multiple value passed", challenges=challenges, ) return param_value[0]
[docs]class CookieGetter(Getter): """Returns the specified cookie from the request. If the cookie appears multiple times an error will be raised. Args: cookie_name (str): the name of the cookie to load. """ def __init__(self, cookie_name: str): self.cookie_name = cookie_name
[docs] def load(self, req: Request, *, challenges: Optional[Iterable[str]] = None) -> str: """Loads the cookie from the provided request""" cookie_value = req.get_cookie_values(self.cookie_name) if not cookie_value: raise BackendNotApplicable( description=f"Missing {self.cookie_name} cookie", challenges=challenges ) if len(cookie_value) > 1: raise BackendNotApplicable( description=f"Invalid {self.cookie_name} cookie: Multiple value passed", challenges=challenges, ) return cookie_value[0]
[docs]class MultiGetter(Getter): """Combines multiple getters. This is useful if a value can be passed in multiple ways to the server, like using an header or a query parameter. Will use the first value successfully returned, ignoring all :class:`~.BackendNotApplicable` exceptions raised by the previously tried getters. If no getter can return a valid value an exception will only be raised. Args: getters (Iterable[Getter]): The getters to use. They will be tried in order and the first value successfully returned is used. """ def __init__(self, getters: Iterable[Getter]): self.getters = tuple(getters) if len(self.getters) < 2: raise ValueError("Must pass more than one getter") if any(not isinstance(g, Getter) for g in self.getters): raise TypeError("All getter must inherit from Getter")
[docs] def load(self, req: Request, *, challenges: Optional[Iterable[str]] = None) -> str: """Loads the value from the provided request using the provided getters""" for p in self.getters: try: return p.load(req) except BackendNotApplicable: pass raise BackendNotApplicable( description="No authentication information found", challenges=challenges )