User guide


$ pip install falcon-auth2

If you plan to use async falcon with ASGI run

$ pip install falcon-auth2[async]


This package provides a falcon middleware to authenticate incoming requests using the selected authentication backend. The middleware allows excluding some routes or method from authentication. After a successful authentication the middleware adds the user identified by the request to the request context. When using falcon v3+, the middleware also supports async execution.

See below WSGI example and ASGI example for complete examples.

import falcon
from falcon_auth2 import AuthMiddleware
from falcon_auth2.backends import BasicAuthBackend

def user_loader(attributes, user, password):
    if authenticate(user, password):
        return {"username": user}
    return None

auth_backend = BasicAuthBackend(user_loader)
auth_middleware = AuthMiddleware(auth_backend)
# use falcon.API in falcon 2
app = falcon.App(middleware=[auth_middleware])

class HelloResource:
    def on_get(self, req, resp):
        # req.context.auth is of the form:
        #   {
        #       'backend': <instance of the backend that performed the authentication>,
        #       'user': <user object retrieved from the user_loader callable>,
        #       '<backend specific item>': <some extra data from the backend>,
        #       ...
        #   }
        user = req.context.auth["user"] = {"message": f"Hello {user['username']}"}

app.add_route('/hello', HelloResource())

Override Authentication for a resource

The middleware allows each resource to customize the backend used for authentication or the excluded methods. A resource can also specify that does not need authentication.

from falcon_auth2 import HeaderGetter
from falcon_auth2.backends import GenericAuthBackend

class OtherResource:
    auth = {
        "backend": GenericAuthBackend(
            user_loader=lambda attr, user_header: user_header, getter=HeaderGetter("User")
        "exempt_methods": ["GET"],

    def on_get(self, req, resp): = {"type": "No authentication for GET"}

    def on_post(self, req, resp): = {"info": f"User header {req.context.auth['user']}"}

app.add_route("/other", OtherResource())

class NoAuthResource:
    auth = {"auth_disabled": True}

    def on_get(self, req, resp): = "No auth in this resource"

    def on_post(self, req, resp): = "No auth in this resource"

app.add_route("/no-auth", NoAuthResource())


WSGI example

import falcon
from falcon_auth2 import AuthMiddleware, HeaderGetter
from falcon_auth2.backends import BasicAuthBackend, GenericAuthBackend

# To run this application with waitress (or any other wsgi server)
# waitress-serve --port 8080 readme_example:app
# You can then use httpie to interact with it. Example
# http :8080/hello -a foo:bar
# http :8080/no-auth
# http POST :8000/generic User:foo

def authenticate(user, password):
    # Check if the user exists and the password match.
    # This is just for the example
    import random

    return random.choice((True, False))

def user_loader(attributes, user, password):
    if authenticate(user, password):
        return {"username": user}
    return None

auth_backend = BasicAuthBackend(user_loader)
auth_middleware = AuthMiddleware(auth_backend)
# use falcon.API in falcon 2
app = falcon.App(middleware=[auth_middleware])

class HelloResource:
    def on_get(self, req, resp):
        # req.context.auth is of the form:
        #   {
        #       'backend': <instance of the backend that performed the authentication>,
        #       'user': <user object retrieved from the user_loader callable>,
        #       '<backend specific item>': <some extra data from the backend>,
        #       ...
        #   }
        user = req.context.auth["user"] = {"message": f"Hello {user['username']}"}

app.add_route("/hello", HelloResource())

def user_header_loader(attr, user_header):
    # authenticate the user with the user_header
    return user_header

class GenericResource:
    auth = {
        "backend": GenericAuthBackend(user_header_loader, getter=HeaderGetter("User")),
        "exempt_methods": ["GET"],

    def on_get(self, req, resp): = {"type": "No authentication for GET"}

    def on_post(self, req, resp): = {"info": f"User header {req.context.auth['user']}"}

app.add_route("/generic", GenericResource())

class NoAuthResource:
    auth = {"auth_disabled": True}

    def on_get(self, req, resp):
        resp.body = "No auth in this resource"

    def on_post(self, req, resp):
        resp.body = "No auth in this resource"

app.add_route("/no-auth", NoAuthResource())

ASGI example

import falcon.asgi
from falcon_auth2 import AuthMiddleware, HeaderGetter
from falcon_auth2.backends import BasicAuthBackend, GenericAuthBackend

# To run this application with uvicorn (or any other asgi server)
# uvicorn --port 8080 readme_example_async:app
# You can then use httpie to interact with it. Example
# http :8080/hello -a foo:bar
# http :8080/no-auth
# http POST :8000/generic User:foo

async def authenticate(user, password):
    # Check if the user exists and the password match.
    # This is just for the example
    import random

    return random.choice((True, False))

async def user_loader(attributes, user, password):
    if await authenticate(user, password):
        return {"username": user}
    return None

auth_backend = BasicAuthBackend(user_loader)
auth_middleware = AuthMiddleware(auth_backend)
app = falcon.asgi.App(middleware=[auth_middleware])

class HelloResource:
    async def on_get(self, req, resp):
        # req.context.auth is of the form:
        #   {
        #       'backend': <instance of the backend that performed the authentication>,
        #       'user': <user object retrieved from the user_loader callable>,
        #       '<backend specific item>': <some extra data from the backend>,
        #       ...
        #   }
        user = req.context.auth["user"] = {"message": f"Hello {user['username']}"}

app.add_route("/hello", HelloResource())

async def user_header_loader(attr, user_header):
    # authenticate the user with the user_header
    return user_header

class GenericResource:
    auth = {
        "backend": GenericAuthBackend(user_header_loader, getter=HeaderGetter("User")),
        "exempt_methods": ["GET"],

    async def on_get(self, req, resp): = {"type": "No authentication for GET"}

    async def on_post(self, req, resp): = {"info": f"User header {req.context.auth['user']}"}

app.add_route("/generic", GenericResource())

class NoAuthResource:
    auth = {"auth_disabled": True}

    async def on_get(self, req, resp):
        resp.body = "No auth in this resource"

    async def on_post(self, req, resp):
        resp.body = "No auth in this resource"

app.add_route("/no-auth", NoAuthResource())