Source code for falcon_auth2.backends.base

from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod
from typing import Any, Callable, Iterable, Optional

from ..exc import UserNotFound
from ..getter import Getter
from ..utils import RequestAttributes, await_, call_maybe_async, check_getter

[docs]class AuthBackend(metaclass=ABCMeta): """Base class that defines the signature of the :meth:`authenticate` method. Backend must subclass of this class to be used by the :class:`~.AuthMiddleware` middleware. """
[docs] @abstractmethod def authenticate(self, attributes: RequestAttributes) -> dict: """Authenticates the request and returns the authenticated user. If a request cannot be authenticated a backed should raise: * :class:`~.AuthenticationFailure` to indicate that the request can be handled by this backend, but the authentication fails. * :class:`~.BackendNotApplicable` if the provided request cannot be handled by this backend. This is usually raised by the :class:`~.Getter` used by the backend to process the request. * :class:`~.UserNotFound` when no user could be loaded with the provided credentials. Args: attributes (RequestAttributes): The current request attributes. It's a named tuple which contains the falcon request and response objects, the activated resource and the parameters matched in the url. Returns: dict: A dictionary with a required ``"user"`` key containing the authenticated user. This dictionary may optionally contain additional keys specific to this backend. If the ``"backend"`` key is specified, the middleware will not override it. """
[docs]class BaseAuthBackend(AuthBackend, metaclass=ABCMeta): """Utility class that handles calling a provided callable to load an user from the authentication information of the request in the :meth:`load_user` method. Args: user_loader (Callable): A callable object that is called with the :class:`~.RequestAttributes` object as well as any relevant data extracted from the request by the backend. The arguments passed to ``user_loader`` will vary depending on the :class:`AuthBackend`. It should return the user identified by the request, or ``None`` if no user could be not found. When using falcon in async mode (asgi), this function may also be async. Note: An error will be raised if an async function is used when using falcon in sync mode (wsgi). Note: Exceptions raised in this callable are not handled directly, and are surfaced to falcon. Keyword Args: challenges (Optional[Iterable[str]], optional): One or more authentication challenges to use as the value of the ``WWW-Authenticate`` header in case of errors. Defaults to ``None``. """ def __init__(self, user_loader: Callable, *, challenges: Optional[Iterable[str]] = None): if not callable(user_loader): raise TypeError(f"Expected {user_loader} to be a callable object") self.user_loader = user_loader self.user_loader_is_async = None self.challenges = tuple(challenges) if challenges else None
[docs] def load_user(self, attributes: RequestAttributes, *args, **kwargs) -> Any: """Invokes the provided ``user_loader`` callable to allow the app to retrieve the user record. If no such record is found, raises a :class:`~.UserNotFound` exception. Args: attributes (RequestAttributes): The request attributes. \\*args: Positional arguments to pass to the ``user_loader`` callable. \\*\\*kwargs: Keyword arguments to pass to the ``user_loader`` callable. Returns: Any: The loaded user object returned by ``user_loader``. """ is_async = attributes[4] user, self.user_loader_is_async = call_maybe_async( is_async, self.user_loader_is_async, "user loader", self.user_loader, attributes, *args, **kwargs, ) if not user: raise UserNotFound( description="User not found for provided payload", challenges=self.challenges ) return user
[docs]class NoAuthBackend(BaseAuthBackend): """No authentication backend. This backend does not perform any authentication check. It can be used with the :class:`~.MultiAuthBackend` in order to provide a fallback for an unauthenticated user or to implement a complitely custom authentication workflow. Args: user_loader (Callable): A callable object that is called with the :class:`~.RequestAttributes` object and returns a default unauthenticated user ( alternatively the user identified by a custom authentication workflow) or ``None`` if no user could be not found. When using falcon in async mode (asgi), this function may also be async. Note: An error will be raised if an async function is used when using falcon in sync mode (wsgi). Note: Exceptions raised in this callable are not handled directly, and are surfaced to falcon. Keyword Args: challenges (Optional[Iterable[str]], optional): One or more authentication challenges to use as the value of the ``WWW-Authenticate`` header in case of errors. Defaults to ``None``. """
[docs] def authenticate(self, attributes: RequestAttributes) -> dict: "Authenticates the request and returns the authenticated user." return {"user": self.load_user(attributes)}
[docs]class GenericAuthBackend(BaseAuthBackend): """Generic authentication backend that delegates the verification of the authentication information retried from the request by the provided ``getter`` to the ``user_loader`` callable. This backend can be used to quickly implement custom authentication schemes or as an adapter to other authentication libraries. Depending on the ``getter`` provided, this backend can be used to authenticate the an user using a session cookie or using a parameter as token. Args: user_loader (Callable): A callable object that is called with the :class:`~.RequestAttributes` object and the information extracted from the request using the provided ``getter``. It should return the user identified by the request, or ``None`` if no user could be not found. When using falcon in async mode (asgi), this function may also be async. Note: An error will be raised if an async function is used when using falcon in sync mode (wsgi). Note: Exceptions raised in this callable are not handled directly, and are surfaced to falcon. getter (Getter): Getter used to extract the authentication information from the request. The returned value is passed to the ``user_loader`` callable. Keyword Args: payload_key (Optional[str], optional): It defines a key in the dict returned by the :meth:`authentication` method that will contain data obtained from the request by the ``getter``. Use ``None`` to disable this functionality. Defaults to ``None``. challenges (Optional[Iterable[str]], optional): One or more authentication challenges to use as the value of the ``WWW-Authenticate`` header in case of errors. Defaults to ``None``. """ def __init__( self, user_loader: Callable, getter: Getter, *, payload_key: Optional[str] = None, challenges: Optional[Iterable[str]] = None, ): super().__init__(user_loader, challenges=challenges) check_getter(getter) if payload_key in {"backend", "user"}: raise ValueError(f"The payload_key cannot have value {payload_key}") self.getter = getter self.payload_key = payload_key
[docs] def authenticate(self, attributes: RequestAttributes) -> dict: "Authenticates the request and returns the authenticated user." is_async = attributes[4] if is_async and not self.getter.async_calls_sync_load: auth_data = await_(self.getter.load_async(attributes[0], challenges=self.challenges)) else: auth_data = self.getter.load(attributes[0], challenges=self.challenges) result = {"user": self.load_user(attributes, auth_data)} if self.payload_key is not None: result[self.payload_key] = auth_data return result