Source code for falcon_auth2.backends.meta

from typing import Callable, Iterable, List, Optional

from falcon import HTTPUnauthorized

from ..exc import BackendNotApplicable
from ..utils import RequestAttributes, call_maybe_async, check_backend
from .base import AuthBackend

[docs]class CallBackBackend(AuthBackend): """Meta-Backend used to notify when another backend has success and/or fails to authenticate a request. This backend delegates all the authentication actions to the provided ``backend``. Args: backend (AuthBackend): The backend that will be used to authenticate the requests. Keyword Args: on_success (Optional[Callable], optional): Callable object that will be invoked with the :class:`~.RequestAttributes`, the ``backend`` and the authentication result (the dict that will be placed in the request context by the middleware) after a successful request authentication. When using falcon in async mode (asgi), this function may also be async. Defaults to ``None``. Note: An error will be raised if an async function is used when using falcon in sync mode (wsgi). on_failure (Optional[Callable], optional): Callable object that will be invoked with the :class:`~.RequestAttributes`, the ``backend`` and the raised exception after a failed request authentication. When using falcon in async mode (asgi), this function may also be async. Defaults to ``None``. Note: An error will be raised if an async function is used when using falcon in sync mode (wsgi). Note: This method cannot be used to suppress an exception raised by the ``backend`` because it will be propagated after ``on_failure`` invocation ends. The callable may choose to raise a different exception instead. """ def __init__( self, backend: AuthBackend, *, on_success: Optional[Callable] = None, on_failure: Optional[Callable] = None, ): check_backend(backend) if on_success and not callable(on_success): raise TypeError(f"Expected on_success {on_success} to be a callable object") if on_failure and not callable(on_failure): raise TypeError(f"Expected on_failure {on_failure} to be a callable object") self.backend = backend self.on_success = on_success self.on_success_is_async = None self.on_failure = on_failure self.on_failure_is_async = None
[docs] def authenticate(self, attributes: RequestAttributes) -> dict: "Authenticates the request and returns the authenticated user." try: results = self.backend.authenticate(attributes) results.setdefault("backend", self.backend) if self.on_success: _, self.on_success_is_async = call_maybe_async( attributes[4], self.on_success_is_async, "on success", self.on_success, attributes, self.backend, results, ) return results except Exception as e: if self.on_failure: _, self.on_failure_is_async = call_maybe_async( attributes[4], self.on_failure_is_async, "on failure", self.on_failure, attributes, self.backend, e, ) raise
[docs]class MultiAuthBackend(AuthBackend): """Meta-Backend used to combine multiple authentication backends. This backend successfully authenticates a request if one of the provided backends can authenticate the request or raises :class:`~.BackendNotApplicable` if no backend can authenticate it. This backend delegates all the authentication actions to the provided ``backends``. Args: backends (Iterable[AuthBackend]): The backends to use. They will be used in order. Keyword Args: continue_on (Callable): A callable object that is called when a backend raises an exception. It should return ``True`` if processing should continue to the next backend or ``False`` if it should stop by re-raising the backend exception. The callable takes the backend and the raised exception as parameters. The default implementation continues processing if any backend raises a :class:`~.BackendNotApplicable` exception. Note: This callable is only invoked if a backend raises an instance of ``HTTPUnauthorized`` or one of it's subclasses. All other exception types are propagated. """ def __init__(self, backends: Iterable[AuthBackend], *, continue_on: Optional[Callable] = None): self.backends = tuple(backends) if len(self.backends) < 2: raise ValueError("Must pass more than two backend") if any(not isinstance(b, AuthBackend) for b in self.backends): raise TypeError("All backends must inherit from `AuthBackend`") if continue_on and not callable(continue_on): raise TypeError(f"Expected {continue_on} to be a callable object") self.continue_on = continue_on or self._default_continue
[docs] def authenticate(self, attributes: RequestAttributes): "Authenticates the request and returns the authenticated user." challenges = [] for backend in self.backends: try: result = backend.authenticate(attributes) result.setdefault("backend", backend) return result except HTTPUnauthorized as exc: if self.continue_on(backend, exc): self._append_challenges(challenges, exc) else: raise raise BackendNotApplicable( description="Cannot authenticate the request", challenges=challenges )
@staticmethod def _default_continue(backend: AuthBackend, exc: Exception): return isinstance(exc, BackendNotApplicable) @staticmethod def _append_challenges(challenges: List[str], err: HTTPUnauthorized): if err.headers: headers = err.headers if isinstance(err.headers, dict) else dict(err.headers) www_authenticate = headers.get("WWW-Authenticate") if www_authenticate: challenges.append(www_authenticate)